Cronus Ampora
About 6' tall, kinda muscular. My hair was slightly more long and curly than the original canon appearence. I often painted my nails black/purple and wore a leather jacket and combat boots.
I wore about 3 golden rings, and had a septum piercing.
♠ I was kismesis with Kurloz, he was a bit taller than me, his hair was pretty long and messy and he was more muscular than the cannon appreance since he was pretty active. We were oppocites and he played with Mituna's mind a lot making him hate me for stupid reasons.
♥ I was red for Mituna. He was pretty tinny and slim, with freckles, I remember him also having a viper tongue. I learned a lot from him to like... stop being an asshole all the time and I tried to help him recover after the accident.
♦I was morials with Kankri. He was like 5'/5'2" and his sweater was kinda oversized. It might sound weird because of our personallities but after I died he was the only one who supported me with all this "Im a human" stuff, and thank to him I stop being an asshole like almos completly and I started understanding his point of view even better.
I also were good friens with Meulin, Meenah and Rufioh. I also remember dating Damara after being morials for some time, it didnt worke out and we broke up bur stayed friends.
I ended up developing a bother-ish bond with Eridan, but I'll go more on deph in that matter later.
What I remember the most from when I was alive is being obsesed with magic and defeating Lord English, I hated him more than anything and anyone, I also think I wanted to probe to myself that I was good enough for my blood colour, so doing it would have been the best moment of my life basically.
Kurloz and I argued a lot when he wanted to make an aliance with Lord English and he tried to trick Mituna into going with him, he made him believe it was the correct decition and that they would be safe that way, wich I honestly thought was bulshit because L.E doesnt care about anything so.
After Mituna's accident (I still dont really know how it happen) he started to get away from Makara and he begin to believe more on me, noticing I wasnt THAT bad and we were on the same side. I tried helping him recover and we became really close, I always had a thing for him and well... we started dating at some point. Kurloz still was around and we still had our difference, I starte noticing he was getting more dangerous so I wanted to stop him, wich leaded to me dying.
When I got to the dream bubbles I was kinda shooked with what happened and tried to find my friends, I found Kankri so I stick around him a lot. I gave up on magic cause... I was dead I couldnt do much anyways, and then it happened, my first encounter with a human! I started learning more about them and felt really related to them and their culture.
With time I started smoking for real and after being around Kankri for so long I stop being so flirty with everyone all the time, I also started noticing when to stop teasing people, so it was a plus.
So, as I wanted to be more like a human and understand them better, I started looking for Eridan, to get like... a brother. I came across a lot of them on the dream bubbles, I would talk to every single one, 'till I finally found mine. He was a bit mean with me at first but I guess he got used to me being around, we started spending more time together and even if I liked teasing and embarrasing him I tried to help him change to the better too, cause lets be honest, that little man was just as bad as me.
I remember he used a bunch of ring and golden jewllery, he had the same clothes as the original canon but didnt used his cape all the time, he also started growing his hair and stoped dying the purple part.